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Fordham University President Joseph M. McShane, S.J., Recognizes 2017-18 Academic Year Achievements in the GSE


In a September 12, 2018 letter to all members of the Fordham University family, President Joseph M. McShane, S.J., noted the significant service and achievement milestones of many members of the Fordham family during the 2017-18 academic year, including nearly a dozen Graduate School of Education (GSE) faculty members.

Anita Batisti, PhD, Associate Dean for Educational Partnerships, received:

  • A new $1,757,290 grant from the New York State Education Department titled Community Schools Technical Assistance Center (TAC).
  • A continuing $1,565,885 grant from the New York State Education Department titled Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (RBERN).
  • A continuing $472,950 grant (with the Division of Educational Leadership) from the New York State Education Department titled Teacher Leader Quality Partnership (TLQP) Program Project Directors.
  • A continuing $133,942 grant from the New York State Education Department titled Teacher Leader Quality Partnership Program/Educational Leadership Partnership Program (ELPEP III).
  • Five continuing contracts totaling $1,967,303 from the New York City Department of Education.

Su-Je Cho, PhD, Associate Professor, Curriculum & Teaching, received:

  • A $1,250,000 grant from the United States Department of Education titled PROJECT PACTS: Preparing Affirmative Collaborative Teachers & School Psychologists for Students with High Intensity Intervention Needs in Elementary Schools.
  • A continuing grant (with Rhonda Bondie, PhD) from the United States Department of Education titled Rigor, Equity and Access through Collaboration in Higher Education (REACH) to Support Students with High-Incidence Disabilities.

Chun Zhang, PhD, Professor, Curriculum and Teaching, and Yi Ding, Associate Professor, School Psychology, received:

  • A $1,249,766 grant from the United States Department of Education, titled Improving Childhood Outcomes of Young Children with High-Intensity Needs through Interdisciplinary Preparation of Special Education and Preschool Psychology Professionals (ICO).

Eric Chen, PhD, Associate Professor, Counseling Psychology, has received a fellowship for Spring 2019, for a project titled Undocumented Immigrant Families’ Experiences of Stigmatized Identities and Sociocultural Integration. Chen also mentored Counseling Psychology doctoral student Ms. Elena Kim, who received a $15,000 grant from the John F. Templeton Foundation through Brigham Young University, for her work titled Empirical Validation of a Spiritually-Integrated Psychotherapy Framework: A Task Analysis.

Fran C. Blumberg, PhD, Professor, Counseling Psychology, co-edited a book, Cognitive Development in Digital Contexts. (New York: Academic Press, 2017). Blumberg also received a $28,357 grant from the Center for Curriculum Design titled Accessing Students’ Metacognitive Skills and Problem-Solving During Educational Game Play.

Margo A. Jackson, PhD, Professor, Psychological & Educational Services, co-edited a book, Handbook of Multicultural Counseling. (Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE, 2017).

Molly K. Ness, PhD, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching, has published the book Think big with think alouds: A three-step planning process that develops strategic readers. (Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press, 2017).

Akane Zusho, PhD, has been promoted to Professor, School Psychology in the Graduate School of Education.  Zusho also published a book this year: Bondie, R.S., Zusho, A. Differentiating Instruction Made Practical: Engaging the Extremes Through Classroom Routines. (New York: Routledge, 2018).


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