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Juanita de Guzman Gutierrez ’96 Publishes “Speak Tagalog: A Basic Primer”


Juanita de Guzman Gutierrez as a Novice

Juanita de Guzman Gutierrez (Reading Literacy MSE) published Speak Tagalog: A Basic Primer with Outskirts Press. The book covers the basics of conversational Tagalog, as well as the language’s history, its alphabet, and prayers.

Tagalog is the primary or secondary language for a majority of Philippines residents. Since approximately 93% of Filipinos are Catholic, Gutierrez included Holy Rosary prayers for readers.

“This book would make a valuable addition to high schools, universities, and consular offices—for those seeking to further diplomatic relations, continue their adult education, or even for children of Philippine mixed marriages who want to study their mother tongue. It’s good to be a linguist!” says Gutierrez.

speak-tagalogGutierrez spent ten years teaching English and journalism, and serving as the school newspaper adviser in the Philippines before moving to New York City in 1987 to teach. For the next nine years, she taught in the Archdiocese of New York and then spent fourteen years teaching in the New York City public

After her teaching career, Gutierrez became a pre-post postulant and postulant at the Monastery of Holy Mary in Rockville, Virginia. She was unable to continue her religious life due to family illness and now spends her time traveling and writing books. Read more about Gutierrez and her book, Speak Tagalog.

When asked whether she wanted to send a message to the Fordham GSE community, Gutierrez replied “Go, Fordham, you’re the best!!!”


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