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Spring 2023 Fordham University Online Speaker Series for Educational Leaders Begins February 15


Fordham University’s Division of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Policy is sponsoring a Spring Speaker Series, open to current and aspiring school and district leaders in the greater New York City area. All sessions will take place online via Zoom.

All sessions include welcome remarks, presentations, and a Q&A opportunity. The series is a free service for educational leaders and alumni in the region. For those who are interested, there will be follow up discussions of Fordham’s masters and doctoral programs in educational leadership. We encourage you to invite colleagues who may be interested in Fordham’s leadership programs. Come for the discussions, colleagueship, and opportunities.

RSVP: Please use the links below to RSVP for each of the sessions and to receive the Zoom link. Contact Ms. Linda Negron (, 212-636-6430) with any questions.


Online Spring Speaker Series: Wednesday, February 15, 2022, 4:30-5:30 pm (RSVP here)
How One Sees and Makes Sense of the World: What Do We Bring to the Table? Examining Cultural Competency and Leadership
Description: In this session, assistant professor Phillip A. Smith, Ph.D., examines broad definitions of the term “cultural competency,” its use and applicability in leadership, education, and community building. Through our collective exploration we consider the ways in which cultural competency can be leveraged to create conditions to authentically value and utilize the range of diverse knowledge, expertise, and understanding of a racially and culturally diverse student body, and schools’ workforce. Attendees will also be invited to consider, within their local contexts, what constitutes a shared vision and definition of cultural competency for leadership and education that emphasizes the importance of cultural integrity, affirmation of individual uniqueness and collective racial/cultural identity.

Virtual Open House (Educational Leadership, Administration and Policy)
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
5:30-7:30 p.m.


Online Spring Speaker Series: Wednesday, March 15, 4:30-5:30 pm (RSVP here)
Advancing Continuous Improvement Through the Dissertation in Practice
Description: In this session, assistant professor Tiedan Huang, Ed.D., describes Fordham’s approach to the Dissertation in Practice, a scholarly endeavor focused on improving practice in the field. Two recent graduates describe how their dissertation work supported improvements in the field.
Dr. Laura Dubak, Principal, Croton-Harmon High School: “The Impact of Distributed Leadership and Teacher Leader Development on Principal Use of Time”
Dr. Kenneth Kroog, Assistant Director of the Department of Special Education, Nassau BOCES: “The Effects of a Virtual Professional Learning Network on Teacher Self-Efficacy and Student Achievement”

Virtual Open House (Educational Leadership, Administration and Policy)
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
5:30-7:30 p.m.


Online Spring Speaker Series: Wednesday, April 12, 4:30-5:30 pm (RSVP here)
Principal Equity Teams Collaborate to Address Problems of Practice and Advance Equity and Excellence
Description: In this session, assistant professor Elizabeth Leisy Stosich, Ed.D., describes her research on a district’s efforts to involve all principals in addressing critical equity issues. Specifically, the district established principal teams to address three issues: strengthening culturally responsive-sustaining education (CR-SE), strengthening social emotional learning (SEL), and reducing chronic absenteeism. Superintendent Vaughan and Ms. Coleman will describe their experience designing, leading, and participating in these groups and the implications for other districts seeking to support equity-focused leadership.
Cristine Vaughan, Superintendent, Community School District 11
Celeste Coleman, District Achievement and Instructional Specialist, Community School District 11 (Ed.D. student)

Virtual Open House (Educational Leadership, Administration and Policy)
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
5:30-7:30 p.m.


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